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Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11274003), the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, China, and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, China.
Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires were fabricated by an Au-catalyzed chemical vapor deposition method. Nd atoms were successfully doped into the In2O3 host lattice structure, as revealed by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction. Robust room temperature ferromagnetism was observed in Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires, which was attributed to the long-range-mediated magnetization among Nd3+-vacancy complexes through percolation-bound magnetic polarons.
Dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) simultaneously manipulate the degrees of freedom of both the charge and spin of electrons in a single device, which has the potential to revolutionize the current microelectronic devices.[1] In some aspects, the envisioned spintronic devices surpass their counterparts in conventional semiconductor electronics, thus immensely stimulating research efforts in DMSs.[2–12] An intuitively straightforward route toward magnetic semiconductors is to dope the conventional semiconductors to make them ferromagnetic.[13] As an important semiconductor material, In2O3 has been widely studied in various fields including semiconductor spintronics. Since Philip et al. reported the interesting carrier-controlled above room-temperature ferromagnetism (RTFM) in transparent Cr-doped In2O3 thin films,[14] there have been abundant research reports on RTFM in In2O3-based DMSs[15–20] as well as in pure In2O3.[21] However, most of the research focused on the 3d transition metal (TM) doping,[15–20] where TM ions occupy the corresponding lattice sites in the host with a dilute concentration to minimize the possibility of anti-ferromagnetic ordering.[22]
Compared with TMs with open d shells, 4f rare earth (RE) ions may offer the stronger magnetic interaction and anisotropy and thus may possess the larger magnetic moments in doped semiconductors. However, there have been few research efforts focusing on RE doping in DMSs. Concerning RE-doped In2O3, the related research is rather limited. Recently, Xing et al. have reported the RTFM in Nd-doped In2O3 thin films,[23] but no work on Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires has been reported up to now. On the one hand, nanowires stimulate considerable interest due to their miniaturized features as building blocks for future nanoscale spintronic devices. On the other hand, nanowires have the higher aspect ratios and may enhance the ferromagnetic ordering in DMSs.
In this work, we report on the fabrication and properties of Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires, which are successfully synthesized by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique. When In atomic sites in the host are substituted by Nd atoms, robust RTFM occurs in Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires. The observed RTFM does not come from any experimental artifacts/contaminations. Instead, it is ascribed to the long-range-mediated magnetization among Nd3+-vacancy complexes.
Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires were grown by a CVD technique, similar to the previous route for the synthesis of Nd-doped ZnO nanowires[3] and Fe-doped In2O3 nanowires.[18] Source powders were produced by solid state reaction. Nd2O3 (99.995%) and In2O3 (99.995%) powders were mixed with alcohol as the weight ratio of 1:4 and milled for 16 h, followed by drying in air at room temperature. The powders were pressed into small pellets, and then sintered at 950 °C for 12 h. This process of milling, pressing and sintering was repeated for three times to achieve homogeneous Nd-doped In2O3 powders. To grow the nanowires, the precursor powders and the graphite (99.995%) with a weight ratio of 2:1 were mixed and ground for 60 min, and then loaded into the middle of the quartz tube. Si substrates with 7.5-nm sputtered Au catalysis layers were placed a few centimeters downstream from the source. After the quartz tube was evacuated to a few mTorr, the tube furnace was heated up to 1150 °C at a rate of 10 °C·min−1. During the growth of 150 min, the pressure inside the quartz tube was maintained at ∼ 135 Torr with a constant flow ∼ 200 sccm of Ar and ∼ 2.1 sccm of O2. After the furnace was cooled to the room temperature, a light gray layer was visible on the surface of the substrates. Care was taken to prevent samples from directly contacting any ferrous tools during preparation. As a control experiment, pure In2O3 sample was also prepared under the identical conditions for comparison.
The crystal structure and morphology of the samples were characterized by x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The doping level and the valence state of Nd ions were determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscope (XPS) in an ultra-high-vacuum chamber at a pressure lower than 1.0 × 10−9 Torr. Peak positions were referenced to the adventitious C 1s peak taken at 285.0 eV. Raman spectra were recorded at room temperature from a micro-Raman spectrometer (NT-MDT nanofinder-30) with a 514.5-nm Ar+ laser as an excitation source in the backscattering geometry at room temperature. The magnetic properties were measured by a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer (Quantum Design MPMS XL-7).
To investigate the chemical binding states of the Nd dopant in nanowires, XPS measurements are performed for Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires after removing a thin layer via electron bombardment. As shown in Fig.
The Raman spectra of In2O3 and Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Raman spectra of pure In2O3 and Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires. Inset is the magnification of the dashed rectangular region. |
The key finding of this work is the robust RTFM observed in the In2O3 nanowires induced by the intrinsic Nd doping. Figure
For a better understanding of the RTFM in the Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires, we have measured field-cooled (FC) and zero-field-cooled (ZFC) magnetization curves at 500 Oe as a function of temperature, as shown in Fig.
In summary, we have fabricated Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires by a CVD route. Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires exhibit a robust ferromagnetic ordering at room temperature. The detailed investigations on the structures demonstrate the high quality of Nd-doped In2O3 nanowires without any impurity phases or clusters. The origin of the RTFM is attributed to the long-range-mediated magnetization among Nd3+-vacancy complexes through percolation-bound magnetic polarons. This work will boost the potential applications towards the realization of future nanoscale spintronic devices.
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